This blend from Gran Caffè Garibaldi is created from a select combination of Robusta beans from two continents: Asia and Africa.
Become a barista in your own home, and create your own coffee experience. Enjoy the opportunity to brew an authentic creamy espresso in the traditional Italian manner.
The very special roasting of the coffee beans has resulted in a deep aroma of toasted bread and dried biscuits. The full-bodied coffee has a syrupy consistency that makes it perfect for those who crave a strong, characterful coffee.
This coffee is suitable for both French presses and filter coffee machines. Grinding the whole beans at home you can easily adjust the aroma, strength and taste to make coffee exactly as you like it.
The bag is specially sealed with a one-way valve, to best preserve the coffee’s taste and aroma. For the optimal experience, we recommend that you grind the coffee just before you use it.
Gran Caffè Garibaldi is a brand of the Italian coffee roastery Gimoka. The company is one of Italy's leading coffee producers with exports to over 50 countries. At Gimoka, high quality is always paramount. Gimoka controls the entire value chain from the harvesting process, to roasting and grinding the coffee beans, and the coffee being packed in the capsules.
Roasted coffee beans
Aeropress, Automatic drip, Clever dripper, Cold brew, Cowboy coffee, Espresso, Espresso, French press, Garibaldi, Pour over, Siphon, Βρασμός, Δυνατό, Εκχύλιση, Καβουρδισμένος, Καλοκαίρι, Καφές φίλτρου, Κόκκοι καφέ, Μπρίκι espresso, Πίεση, Πρόποση, Σκέτος καφές, Τούρκικος καφές, Φθινόπωρο, Φιλτράρισμα, Χειμώνας, Χωρίς αυγά, Χωρίς γαλακτοκομικά, Χωρίς γλουτένη, Χωρίς θειώδη, Χωρίς λακτόζη, Χωρίς ξηρούς καρπούς, Χωρίς σόγια, Χωρίς τεχνητά πρόσθετα
Toasted Bread, Acidic Robusta, Cookies
1000 grams, Robusta
Strong (8/10)
Best before
Price per kilo
Garibaldi Espresso Bar
1000g. coffee beans
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